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Craft Cannabis vs Commercial Cannabis: Understanding the Differences

Why choose Pistol and Paris locally grown craft cannabis?

Craft Cannabis vs Commercial Cannabis

Craft Cannabis vs Commercial Cannabis:

Craft Cannabis vs Commercial Cannabis: Understanding the Differences

Cannabis has been increasingly gaining popularity and recognition as a legitimate medical and recreational substance. With the growing demand for cannabis, the industry has seen a surge in the number of growers, cultivators, and producers. However, not all cannabis products are created equal. There are two main categories of cannabis production: craft cannabis and commercial cannabis. Understanding the differences between these two types of cannabis is crucial for consumers who are looking for a quality product that meets their needs.

Craft Cannabis

Craft cannabis refers to small-batch, locally-grown, and hand-cultivated cannabis products. Craft cannabis growers take a hands-on approach to the cultivation process, focusing on quality over quantity. They take great care in selecting the strains they grow, controlling the environment, and harvesting at the right time to ensure that the final product has the desired potency, aroma, and flavor.

One of the main advantages of craft cannabis like Pistol and Paris is its superior quality. Because we as craft cannabis growers are passionate about our work and focus on quality, we often produce high-quality cannabis products with consistent potency and high-grade buds. Additionally, as craft cannabis growers we tend to often specialize in growing specific strains of cannabis (such as Orange Tingz, Black Triangle, Pink Panties, Legendary Larry, & Hawaiian Fanta) giving us a deep understanding of the plant and the ability to create unique and interesting products.

Commercial Cannabis

Commercial cannabis refers to large-scale cannabis production that is geared towards mass-market distribution. Commercial cannabis producers aim to produce large quantities of cannabis at a low cost in order to maximize profits. To achieve this, they often use automated systems and advanced growing techniques to increase yield and reduce costs.

While commercial cannabis can be cheaper than craft cannabis, it often lacks the quality and consistency of craft-grown products. Commercial cannabis is often grown in large, standardized facilities that lack the personal touch and attention to detail that craft growers bring to their products. Additionally, commercial producers often prioritize quantity over quality, leading to lower-grade buds and inconsistent potency.

In conclusion, both craft and commercial cannabis have their advantages and disadvantages. Consumers looking for high-quality, hand-crafted products with unique flavors and aromas are likely to prefer craft cannabis. Those looking for a cheaper alternative that is readily available and mass-produced may prefer commercial cannabis. Ultimately, the choice between craft and commercial cannabis comes down to personal preference and the specific needs of the consumer.

Hopefully this article helps you when choosing your next quality cannabis purchase. 

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